

HEAL Impact Highlights


In our inaugural year, HEAL Homecare Advocacy Foundation was officially registered in July 2021. During this foundational period, we launched initiatives focused on home visits to various full-time caregivers in Kumasi, providing them with quality homecare education and essential items.

These visits allowed us to connect directly with caregivers, understand their needs, and offer support where it was most needed. Additionally, we encountered patients who lacked access to affordable medication and experienced inadequate homecare assistance from family members or loved ones.

As our efforts evolved, we observed the pressing need for a more targeted approach to address specific challenges faced by caregivers. We discovered a critical need amongst mothers caring for children with cerebral palsy, who faced significant financial strain and lacked essential resources. Many were unable to access adequate education on rehabilitation treatment for their child's condition, further exacerbating their challenges.

Furthermore, we encountered heartbreaking instances where these mothers struggled to provide for their children's basic needs, resulting in malnutrition and limited access to essential medical care. The financial instability faced by these families often prevented them from seeking crucial health services, perpetuating the cycle of hardship and limited support.

These observations served as a driving force behind our decision to pivot our focus towards supporting caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. By targeting our resources and efforts towards this specific demographic, we aimed to address the pressing needs and challenges faced by these families, providing them with the support and assistance they desperately needed.

Concurrently, we continued to engage with local hospitals such as Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi, laying the groundwork for future collaborations and initiatives aimed at enhancing support for caregivers and their families.


In 2022, HEAL Homecare Advocacy Foundation embarked on a transformative journey, expanding our focus to support not just caregivers, but also women and girls across Ghana.

This shift was driven by our observations of young girls in various communities who lacked access to menstrual hygiene resources, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive support for women and girls. As a result, we embarked on a new phase of our mission, dedicated to empowering and supporting caregivers, women, and girls.

During this year, we extended our reach to Accra, a significant milestone in our journey, where we established partnerships with nonprofit organizations and hospitals to launch our inaugural Women’s Health and Wellness Day Program. This initiative aimed to provide crucial women’s health education to postpartum mothers and menstruating girls in Madina, Accra. Alongside educational sessions, we offered free health screenings, resources, and essential supplies to empower and support the community.

Our volunteers in Accra played a pivotal role in ensuring the success of this initiative, underscoring the importance of collaboration and community engagement in driving meaningful change.

With the dedication of our team and the growing support of the community, we were able to positively impact 232 individuals through our various programs and initiatives.


In 2023, we continued to build on the success of our Women’s Health and Wellness Day Program by extending our outreach to Tamale, where we held another impactful event in Gbuluhagu.

Drawing from the lessons learned in Accra, we tailored our program to meet the unique needs of the Tamale community.

In addition to offering educational sessions and distributing feminine hygiene supplies to support menstrual health, we expanded our assistance to include postpartum mothers.

At a local hospital in Tamale, we also provided essential supplies tailored to the needs of these mothers, recognizing the challenges they face in accessing necessary resources during childbirth. In Ghana, it is customary for mothers to bring their own supplies when delivering at a hospital, presenting a significant barrier for those who cannot afford it. By providing these essential items, we aimed to alleviate some of the financial burden and ensure that every mother receives the support and care she deserves during this critical time.

Throughout this initiative, our dedicated volunteers in Tamale played a crucial role in facilitating outreaches and ensuring its success. Their commitment and passion for our mission were instrumental in making a meaningful difference in the lives of women and families in the Tamale community.

In 2023, our efforts reached a total of 362 caregivers, women, and girls, marking a significant increase from the previous year.

HEAL Homecare Advocacy Foundation, registered in July 2021, shifted from aiding Kumasi caregivers to focusing on women's health in Accra in 2022 and Tamale in 2023, impacting over 362 people.

HEAL Quarterly Homecare Support

In addition to the initiatives mentioned above, HEAL Homecare Advocacy Foundation remains dedicated to providing ongoing homecare support to caregivers in Kumasi and Accra. Every 90 days, we distribute essential homecare supplies during home visits and offer physical therapy services to these caregivers, ensuring they have the resources and assistance they need to care for their loved ones.

With the generous support of our donors, we aim to expand this assistance to reach even more caregivers in different regions of Ghana, ensuring they have the resources and assistance they need to care for their loved ones and empowering more of those in need.

Accessible Healthcare + Partnerships

Throughout each year, we have prioritized partnerships with various organizations, both Ghanaian-based and USA-based, to provide free health screenings to the communities we serve.

Led by our dedicated health team, these screenings cover a range of essential health indicators, including blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen levels, HIV, malaria, and more. These screenings are an integral part of our commitment to promoting the well-being and health of undeserved Ghanaians.

During our free community health screenings, we carefully assess and analyze each participant's data and needs. With standby medical professionals available, we address critical health matters promptly. Additionally, we provide resources to ensure individuals receive the most effective healthcare services possible.

To learn how you can contribute to our mission or become part of our team in Ghana or USA , click HERE


Every woman and girl in Ghana has access to the quality homecare supplies and education they need to flourish.

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